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Individual Treatments
Developed at UCLA, the Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulations (JASPER) Program is a fully developed and tested therapeutic intervention for children with ASD. JASPER targets early attention, emotion and behavior regulations, social communication and language skills of young children with ASD through the naturalistic behavioral interactions with therapists and caretakers. Over the past 15 years, JASPER has been rigorously studied, working with over 500 children with ASD and their families. JASPER was 1 of 2 social communication interventions recommended by the UK NICE as evidence-based (2013). The CAN Clinic offers initial assessment and 8 individualized treatment sessions of JASPER. The program focuses its efforts on young children (ages 18 months to 6 years) with an emphasis on parent training, as well as older children (5-8 years old) who remain minimally verbal and would benefit from the intervention in combination with a speech-generating device (e.g. iPad).